Chinese Herbal Remedies:

View of garlic and ginger placed on the floor
Chinese herbal medicine has a rich history of development over the past 4000 years. Like acupuncture, herbal medicine has gone through many dynasties in China with Oriental Medicine almost being stamped out of existence. However, today in China, Oriental Medicine holds hands with Western Medicine in providing great health care options.
Herbal medicine has grown out of trial and error with many great herbalists contributing to the vast knowledge over the thousands of years. It was soon identified that parts of the plant or animal related energetically to parts of the body. Click here to see these interesting correlations. Individual plants, minerals and animals were identified with specific properties in relationship to one another in the actions upon the human body. Over time, formulas were developed to treat specific health concerns. It is rare to use just a single herb today. Formulas are carefully crafted herbal combinations taking into consideration each of the single herb specific properties. It was then identified that certain herbs worked well together, while some were neutral and others were incompatible. Today the majority of the formulas used have a “classic formula as the base” then other herbs are added or substituted to meet today’s diseases as well as the individual patient’s imbalances.
At Cornerstone Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, LLC, our pharmacy offers a few options for herbal prescriptions:
Patent Herbal Prescriptions:

Various white containers placed on the shelves
Patents are herbal formulas that have been processed and concentrated into tablets, capsules, or granules. Quality is of prime importance so each company that we carry must meet strict 3rd party testing, individually batch tested for contaminates, heavy metals, pesticides and for potency as well as be manufactured in GMP certified factories. The raw herbs they use are of pharmaceutical grade and the majority is also sulfite free.
The advantage of patents is the ease of taking a “pill” and the ease of travel. Patents are highly concentrated often (1 – 5 times) or (1 – 7 times) potency. Patents are highly effective, but it is difficult to completely individualize the prescription as with the raw herbal formulas. Also because patents are a result of highly specialized manufacturing with high quality standards, they are more expensive than the raw herbal formulas.
We use several companies that are recognized for the highest quality control standards in the industry. Please visit the links below of the companies’ Products we offer.